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Who am I?

When you look into the mirror and can no longer see your face, you are invited to respond to the question “Who am I?” in ways that necessitate transcendence of the literal. When you look into the reflection in another’s eyes, you are invited to consider that we are as similar as we are different and we become who we are because of others. Read More

Who am I now?

The first time I dared to take a picture after experiencing changes in my vision was an act of sacred rebellion and the beginning of a journey whose end is not yet in sight. Read More

A portrait image captures a shadow silhouette of an upper torso facing left with the gesture of blowing a kiss. The silhouette covers the majority of a framed photograph with reflections of light from a window behind; this adds a grid like pattern in the upper portion accenting the light colored mat at the bottom and right of the image. Faint close up bursts of white dandelions gone to seed are evident where the photo frame aligns with the silhouette; one bursting seed rests in the palm of the open hand.
A landscape image captures a high contrast boxy image containing two slanting rows of black upper case letters against a whitish background. The first 3 letters on top read B-E-A followed by an upside-down inverted L, then I at the right edge. Below and right justified, and upside down T, then U, finally a flip-flopped inverted F. Each letter is framed in a translucent rectangular shadow edge unevenly linked to the other letters. The eye can still read “BEAUTIFUL” amidst the unique and seeming random letter layout.

Commentary on Language

I want to share two brief thoughts about language.  First, I believe that words by their very nature are inherently inadequate. Yet they are the best tool we have for some forms of communication. Second, the blending of creativity and spirituality makes itself visible through certain word choices like “sacred”, “prayer”, and sometimes even “God”. Read More

Past Photography Shows

  • Living & Learning Gallery, University of Vermont 2006
  • Magnolia’s Restaurant, Burlington Vermont 2007
  • Candles & Creations, Burlington VT 2011
  • Overlook Café, Burlington VT 2012
  • VSA Vermont’s Engage Exhibition 2012
  • LCATV Gallery, Colchester, VT 2017
  • Amy E.Tarrant Gallery at the Flynn Horizons Show, Burlington VT 2018

Contact me to inquire about showing my work or inviting me to present!