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A portrait image capturing Heidi from the ankles up holding a white cane in her right hand; her left hand on her hip. A background of cloudscape and green leafy trees accentuate the perspective of the photo taken from a lower level. Her angled cane and legs form a triangle which appears as a foundation to her torso and head. She looks to the left, short brown hair, sunglasses, a coral tank top and turquoise shorts.


I hope my art sparks curiosity, connections, and conversations with and without words. Please feel free to share my website with others who want to be sparked as well.

Purchase Photography

My photography is for sale. If there’s an image you’d like to purchase, contact me to request sizes, styles and pricing. Other photography is also available to explore upon request.

Invite Me to Present

Throughout my career, I have presented in both conversational and workshop formats about vision, disability, inclusion and my creative process to audiences of diverse ages and abilities. Contact me to discuss possible presentations in your school, work, or community.