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8. Reaching Out

looking up a leafless tree to a blue sky
Listen to audio description for “Reaching Out”

Verbal Description

A portrait image

A large, leafless tree extends diagonally from the lower left portion of the image. Its crooked limbs reach out, creating a network of branches that stretch across an otherwise clear, blue sky. A few of the limbs are broken, revealing jagged points like scars. A trio of larger branches leaves a triangular impression; two of the three create a zigzag line from the top left to the bottom right, the third offering itself to the top right corner. They all join the more-sturdy trunk just to the left of the images center.  

Sunlight enhances details of texture and depth in the bark, visible only on the larger limbs. The less-sturdy, smaller branches seem to glisten as they welcome and reflect the companionship of light

Another tree emerges from the lower left portion of the image, a somewhat miniature version of the larger tree above it. This smaller tree reaches out, extending only to the place where the larger tree’s limbs meet the trunk. Some detail is evident on the smaller tree’s bark. Imitating the other, it too glistens in the companionship of light.

When did reaching out 
Flatten into a one dimensional delusion
As though this sacred impulse
That precedes touch 
Would ever be so singular?

And what if we could see 
The paradox that we need to reach out
Not only because of our needs
But also because of our gifts?

Maybe reaching out
Requires reaching in
And is really just reaching.
Reaching toward the light
In the direction of mystery 
Where all that matters 
Is the stillness of intent.

And all that we reach out with
Comes back to our own hearts
As they wait 
Beating, growing,
Expanding, living,
And dying 
Before coming to life 
And again
As rhythms of one
Harmonious truth.