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10. Broken is in the Eye of the Beholder

a bare tree with a broken top and a big branch growing just beneath the break
Listen to audio description for “Broken is in the Eye of the Beholder”

Verbal Description

A landscape image

The image shows the top of a predominantly leafless tree against a creamy yellowish-white sky. The tree’s trunk extends upward from the lower right edge of the photo. The trunk separates into two large limbs; the one on the right in alignment with the trunk below and the one on the left at a 45 degree angle. Between these two limbs, a third and much shorter limb protrudes, taking up a fraction of the space the other limbs occupy. The right limb ends abruptly with a jagged, broken tip. Details of the wood and bark are visible on this solid upright limb.  

The limb on the left side stretches out diagonally across the image before curving slightly and extending beyond the top left edge of the photo. This limb is adorned with many smaller, leafless branches that tangle and overlap. The tiniest first signs of budding are evident. Thin branches are also visible around the main trunk, but they are noticeably absent near the broken tip.

Some days when I look out into the unknown,
I yearn to see the beauty
And instead feel heaviness.
I wander through fogs of uncertainty
Longing to create a spark of hope.

Then I see a silhouette of new life.
It’s subtle at first.
Tiny leaves barely perceptible  
Before my eyes behold them.

We exchange a  glance,
Those precious leaves and I,
And something radiant dances in the space between us.
They laugh at my foolishness
And behold my beautiful yearning.

“We need not create sparks of hope 
On our own,” they whisper.
“Indeed we cannot create anything on our own.”
I pause to inhale their words.

They continue dancing.
“Why do you try so hard?  
You are not broken,” they say 
Summoning a force within me
That cannot be me alone.

I join their dance again 
 Allowing the sacred to move me,
Relax. Breathe. Feel.
In the eye of the Beholder,
It is all beautiful.
In the eye of the Beholder,
It is all Sacred.
Let us see 
With these eyes.
Indeed, let us heal
How we behold 
The whole of Life.